Spiritual Healings
Spiritual healers are people who allow the energy of Spirit to flow through them in a way that guides, rejuvenates and empowers others.
This spiritual healing session consists of cleansing, repairing and removing negative energies (i.e. thought forms, traumas and phobias, from your chakras and aura). This healing gives you back your freedom of choice and then a final blessing is given to you. With the assistance of God, ancestors, angels and archangels and spirit guides Heidi petitions on your behalf to allow her to remove any negative spirits and witchcraft and anything that is not of highest vibration. Afterwards, She will insert your spirit back into your physical body and make sure you’re in the present time of consciousness. This healing gives you back your freedom of choice and then a final blessing is given to you.
90 min. session $200
Additional remote healings:
Written petitions are scheduled twice a month. A complete birth name with date of birth is preferred for the individual who will be receiving healing. Please make your petition short and to the point. The individual who is going to receive the healing does not have to be aware of the healing taking place. Some people need healing to bring more clarity. They cannot seek help for themselves, are in total denial or do not believe. This healing is your gift of compassion. A photo of the individual is also recommended if available. The photo will not be returned. Once the healing has taken place, a final blessing is given and the photo and petition are offered to God in a burning ceremony. Please allow thirty days for the healing process to take its course.
Gratitude Exchange $80